incentive fee

incentive fee
поощрительная премия, поощрительное вознаграждение
а) эк. (дополнительное вознаграждение, выплачиваемое какому-л. лицу в качестве поощрения за достижение определенных результатов работы; напр., дополнительное вознаграждение, которое может быть предусмотрено контрактом на выполнение работ в качестве поощрения за экономию средств по сравнению с плановой сметой или досрочной сдачей работ)
б) фин. (сумма, выплачиваемая управляющему инвестиционным фондом в дополнение к обычному вознаграждению в качестве поощрения за высокие результаты работы, премия за достижение результатов выше среднего уровня; величина премии обычно привязана к объему прибыли инвестиционного фонда)

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поощрительная премия: премия за достижение результатов выше среднего уровня (напр., финансовому консультанту или менеджеру инвестиционного фонда).

Англо-русский экономический словарь.

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Смотреть что такое "incentive fee" в других словарях:

  • incentive fee — Compensation paid to commodities ( commodity) trading advisers or to any practitioner who achieves above average returns. Sometimes called performance fee. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * incentive fee incentive fee ➔ fee * * * incentive fee …   Financial and business terms

  • Incentive Fee — A fee paid to a fund manager by investors. Incentive fees are typically dependent upon the manager s performance over a given period and are usually taken in relation to a benchmark index. For instance, a fund manager may receive an incentive fee …   Investment dictionary

  • Cost-Plus-Incentive Fee — A cost plus incentive fee contract is a contract based on a Cost plus contract that includes an incentive fee which is awarded if the contractor completes the work under budget. The amount of the incentive fee can be fixed, or proportional to the …   Wikipedia

  • Cost-plus-incentive fee — A CPIF Cost Plus Incentive Fee contract is a cost reimbursement contract that provides for an initially negotiated fee to be adjusted later by a formula based on the relationship of total allowable costs to total target costs.[1] Like a cost plus …   Wikipedia

  • fee — A fixed amount or a percentage of an underwriting or principal. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * fee fee [fiː] noun 1. [countable] COMMERCE an amount of money paid to a professional person or organization for their services: • If you want… …   Financial and business terms

  • Fee-Only financial advisor — Fee Only financial advisors in the USA, as defined by the review materials for the Certified Financial Planner exam and the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors, are compensated solely by the client, typically achieved through a… …   Wikipedia

  • incentive — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, generous, good, great, huge, massive (esp. BrE) ▪ powerful, strong ▪ adequate …   Collocations dictionary

  • fee — Synonyms and related words: Trinkgeld, account, admission, admission fee, allowance, anchorage, assessment, bill, blackmail, blood money, bonus, bounty, bribe, brokerage, carfare, cellarage, charge, charges, compensate, consideration, copyhold,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • incentive type contract — A contract that may be of either a fixed price or cost reimbursement nature, with a special provision for adjustment of the fixed price or fee. It provides for a tentative target price and a maximum price or maximum fee, with price or fee… …   Military dictionary

  • Management fee — In the investment advisory industry, a management fee is a periodic payment that is paid by investors in a pooled investment fund to the fund s investment adviser for investment and portfolio management services. Contents 1 Mutual funds 2 Private …   Wikipedia

  • Travel incentive — Travel incentives are a way for companies to promote their business and increase sales by offering a free or discounted travel package to their customers. Many companies offer these incentives as a bonus for making a purchase, such as a cruise… …   Wikipedia

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